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Taupō Dental Centre’s Finance options, and treatment for everyone.

We understand that not everyone has the same financial situation, and we want to make sure that our services are available to as many people as possible. We partner with different funding schemes as shown below, so be sure to ask us if you may be eligible at your next visit. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and we look forward to meeting you!


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Taupō Pregnant Woman’s Scheme

As one of the only providers for the TPW scheme in Taupō we are able to provide many aspects of general dentistry to many of our beautiful pregnant Taupō Mothers. If you are pregnant and have a Community Services Card then talk to your midwife about visiting us for free dental care.

Under 18

Under 18?

Did you know that when a young adult reaches high school they are entitled to free dental care until the age of 18? Register your 13-17 year-old with us today for free routine dental care.

Note: Orthodontic care and tooth whitening is not free for under 18 year olds. Accidents are covered by ACC.



If you have had an accident which has resulted in dental damage you may qualify for free dental treatment through ACC. Ring us and talk to our receptionist about booking an appointment under an ACC claim.




We offer monthly payment plans for orthodontic treatment. These terms will be discussed with you in the initial consultation stages. If the practitioner decides to take on your orthodontic case you will receive consent forms which must be signed before you begin treatment. The consent form will stipulate the required payment terms set down by the practice.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our finance options.


Winz Quotes

Are you receiving a benefit, currently in full time study and/or qualify for assistance through work and income? You may be entitled to funded dental care. We provide quotes for those who can receive financial assistance for their dental needs.*

*A $40.00 deposit is required on the day of your first appointment. This amount is refundable when the cost of treatment has been paid for by Income Support.

Apply here. 

Joining us for the first time?

Making the decision to get treatment can be difficult as there are many factors to consider.

At our facility, we believe that everyone deserves the freedom to make an informed decision about their care.

That’s why we offer expert guidance that puts your best options on the table.



What can I expect?